Using Telepractice for Treating Adults With Communication Disorders

Sunday, 8:15am to 10:15am
Room 61
Session 56
Medical, technological and rehabilitation advances have improved the quality of healthcare resulting in an increase in numbers of individuals who survive catastrophic events or have chronic conditions. Many of these survivors experience barriers to accessing these treatment advances. Treating via telepractice is becoming a tool that clinicians can use with population groups that find it costly for travel, time and health reasons to access needed services. Adults who have sustained a stroke or head injury or have other neurological conditions often fall within this population group. In this presentation we will discuss two approaches that are currently being utilized to more efficiently deliver services to adults who are unable to attend a clinic or who do not have a clinic available within a feasible distance. We will also discuss legal and ethical issues in delivery of services by telepractice along with benefits and challenges that can occur. In addition we will discuss evidence that supports that service delivery via telepractice is efficacious for adults with communication disorders. Please note that we will not be addressing the equipment issues involved in setting up a program.