Using Preference Assessments to Improve AAC Intervention

Saturday, 7:00am to 8:00am
Windgate Hall
There are many AAC options available for children with various developmental disabilities. Thus, clinicians need effective assessment tools to determine the most appropriate AAC system to implement in treatment. If parents and clinicians prefer a different system or lack strategies for determining a child's preference, the child's preference for an AAC device may be overlooked. The purpose of this poster session is to review literature addressing the degree to which children with disabilities can play a role in the AAC assessment and intervention process through demonstrating a preference for an AAC system. The poster will summarize the findings of a literature review on preference assessment including information on the benefits of preference assessments as tools for selecting an AAC system. In addition, practical strategies for providing children with developmental disabilities with a means for indicating a system preference through multiple AAC options will be presented. Finally, the role of preference assessment in successful use of AAC as well as generalization to other settings will be discussed.