The Effect of VisiPitch Biofeedback on Production of Vowels

Sunday, 7:15am to 8:15am
Salon C
This research project measured the effect of visual biofeedback on production of the vowel /ae/ using VisiPitch equipment (KAYElemetrics). The modules included in the software allow an individual to see the difference between the formants in the clinician's correct production and their erroneous production of the word. An ABAB withdrawal single-subject design was employed to determine the effect of the visual biofeedback on the participant's correct production of /ae/ in words. The participant was a 55-year old female enrolled in accent reduction therapy. The participant's primary language was Russian and English was spoken as a second language. The participant practiced production of /ae/ in isolation for five minutes with feedback from the clinician before being given a set of 20 picture cards randomly chosen from a total of 50 pictures representing words containing /ae/. The study showed an increase in correct productions of /ae/ in words during the treatment phase.