Kimberly Rotundo

Kimberly Rotundo, MEd, has a Master of Education degree in special education exceptionalities from the University of Cincinnati and a Bachelor of Science degree in educational diagnostics from Georgia Southern University in Statesboro, Georgia. She also has an Associate Degree in communication and performing arts from Young Harris College. Kimberly was a classroom teacher and special education interventionist for several years before earning a license in educational diagnostics. Currently, Kimberly conducts assessments for children with cognitive, health and behavioral problems to assist with school placement and instructional services aligned to their specific learning styles and needs. As a faculty member with the Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities Program (LEND), she is responsible for providing trainees from multiple disciplines with information on child development to build culturally competent care and promote leadership skills. Kimberly has a child with a developmental disability.